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  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inequities
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Moderator: Elizabeth Pendo, JD – University of Washington School of Law
    Presenter: Stacey A. Tovino, JD, PhD (she/her/hers) – The University of Oklahoma College of Law
    Presenter: Amy T. Campbell, JD, MBE (she/her/hers) – University of Illinois Chicago School of Law
    Presenter: Kelly Gillespie, RN, JD, PhD – Saint Louis University School of Law
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Clinical and legal confusions surrounding maternal-fetal conflict in emergency medicine
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Julia Kolak, PhD – Harvard University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    "Honoring Humanity: The need for Transparency, in Normothermic Regional Perfusion for Controlled Donation after Circulatory Death."
    Location: Midway 1-2 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Cathy L. Purvis Lively, DBE,JD,MS – Lively Law Firm
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Location: Frisco Burlington (Second Floor)
    Presenter: John M. Conley, JD, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of North Carolina
    Presenter: Roel Feys, PHD,MA (he/him/his) – University of Miami
    Presenter: Andy Murray, PhD – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Assessing the Impact of Global Human Genome Editing Governance Reports: The Persistence of Value-Based Norms
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: John M. Conley, JD, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of North Carolina
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Caring for a patient or violating a corpse? The new brain death guidelines and unsettled questions about personhood and power
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Sabrina Derrington, MD,MA,HEC-C, FAAP – Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
    Presenter: Teneille R. Brown, J.D. (she/her/hers) – S.J.Quinney College of Law, University of Utah
    Presenter: Jennifer Walter, MD, PhD, MS – Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
    Presenter: Eran Klein, MD, PhD – Oregon Health & Science University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Humanity in the Era of Space Exploration: Challenging What It Means to Be Human
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Roel Feys, PHD,MA (he/him/his) – University of Miami
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Technology Transfer and Bioethics of the Public Good in Genomic Biomedicine
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Andy Murray, PhD – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    AI and Power Structures
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: William J. Choi, MBE ((he/him/his)) – Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
    Presenter: Zachary Griffen, PHD – NYU
    Presenter: Michael McCarthy, PHD,HEC-C – Loyola University Chicago Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Patient Advocacy and Public Involvement
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Carolyn Neuhaus, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Leah Z. Rand, DPhil – Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Reproduction and the Law
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Stephanie Kukora, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Children's Mercy Kansas City
    Presenter: Katie Watson, JD (she/her/hers) – Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med
    Presenter: Rosemary Laine, MPH – Johns Hopkins
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Born-Alive Does Not Mean Viable: Exploring the Ethical Nexus of Anti-Abortion Laws and Neonatal Care
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Stephanie Kukora, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Children's Mercy Kansas City
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Disease eradication: An ethical analysis of goal setting and resetting in global public health
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Moderator: Nathaniel Mamo, MA – NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Kyle Ferguson, PhD – Hunter College, CUNY
    Presenter: Thomas D. McEvoy Zafiropulos, MA Bioethics (he/him/his) – NERA Economic Consulting
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Modeling Regulation, Regulating Models: How Stakeholders Conceptualize AI Governance in Healthcare
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Zachary Griffen, PHD – NYU
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Moral Uncertainty in Community Health: Results from Qualitative Interviews with Community Health Center Clinical Leadership
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Carolyn Neuhaus, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – The Hastings Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Patient and Public Involvement in the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Leah Z. Rand, DPhil – Brigham and Women's Hospital
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Rethinking the Legal and Ethical Relationship Between IVF and Abortion
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Katie Watson, JD (she/her/hers) – Northwestern Univ Feinberg Sch of Med
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Where Miscarriage is Manslaughter: Implications of Fetal Personhood Movements on the Legal Status of Pregnant People in Alabama Post-Dobbs
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Rosemary Laine, MPH – Johns Hopkins
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    A Virtue Theory of Organizational Bioethics
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Molly Sinderbrand, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Pennsylvania
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Equitable chances: a novel weighted lottery approach to crisis standards of care
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Moderator: William F. Parker, MD,PHD – University of Chicago
    Presenter: Harald Schmidt, PhD – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Patrick G. Lyons, MD MSc – Oregon Health and Science University
    Presenter: Dana Haragunani, MD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Oregon Health Authority
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Law, Medicine, and Minors: The Medicalization of Sex and Gender
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Abram Brummett, PhD – Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Studying Clinicians’ Response to State Laws and Institutional Policies That Restrict Pediatric Gender-Affirming Care
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Laura Stamm, PHD (she/they) – University of Rochester Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Communities and Justice
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Lena Hatchett, PhD (she/her/hers) – Loyola University Chicago
    Presenter: Nicole Foti, PHD (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins University
    Presenter: Jared N. Smith, Ph.D. – Baylor College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Investigating Moral Distress in the Reproductive Healthcare Workforce post Dobbs
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Connie Ulrich, PhD, MSN, RN, FAAN – University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
    Presenter: Mara Buchbinder, PhD – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Presenter: Dana Howard, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – The Ohio State University
    Presenter: Jocelyn Wascher, MD – University of Chicago Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    The Legal and Ethical Status of DNR Tattoos
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ben Sarbey, JD, MA – Duke University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    ‘Why Do You Ask?’ Eliciting the Public’s Moral Judgments in Bioethics Debates
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jared N. Smith, Ph.D. – Baylor College of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Institutions and Law
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Megan Bailey, MA, PhD Student – Carleton University
    Presenter: Andrew Childress, PHD,HEC-C – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Amanda M. Buster (she/her/hers) – Yale University
    Presenter: Bilal Irfan, B.S. – University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School
    Presenter: Maria A. Basile, MD (she/her/hers) – Renaissance School of Medicine At Stony Brook
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Analyzing the Safe Third Country Agreement from a Health Justice Perspective
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Megan Bailey, MA, PhD Student – Carleton University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Exceptional Injustice: Interrogating Public Comments on Migrant DNA Collection at the Border
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Moderator: Rachel Fabi, PHD,HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Presenter: Elizabeth Dietz, PhD (they/them/theirs) – National Institutes of Health
    Presenter: Leila Jamal, ScM, PhD, LGC ((she/her/hers)) – Genetics Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Reconciling Legal Majority and Puberty Across Jurisdictions: Adolescent Healthcare Autonomy in Islamic Jurisprudence
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Bilal Irfan, B.S. – University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CT
    Expanding the Policymaking Impact of Your Bioethics Expertise
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Adam Seth Levine, PhD MA (he/him/his) – Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    AI Ethics
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ariadne Nichol, BA – Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
    Presenter: Hortense Gallois, MA ((she/her/hers)) – Simon Fraser University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Public Health
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jonathan Herington, PHD,BA,BS ((he/him/his)) – University of Rochester
    Presenter: Abbey Lowe, PHD, MA – Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center
    Presenter: Amitabha Palmer, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Bioethics in Simulation: Using Quantitative Bioethics to Investigate Ethical Tradeoffs in Crisis Standards of Care Protocols
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jonathan Herington, PHD,BA,BS ((he/him/his)) – University of Rochester
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Insights from a Delphi Study on Ethical Considerations Emerging with Clinical Trials of Autonomous AI
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ariadne Nichol, BA – Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Just Say No to the OPO: Boundary Setting and Collaboration in Organ Procurement
    Location: Midway 3-4 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Rebecca Yarrison, PHD,HEC-C – OhioHealth
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Public Health Ethics for Biocontainment Care
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Abbey Lowe, PHD, MA – Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Responsible Innovation: Exploring the Ethical Implications of AI-Powered Suicide Risk Prediction
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Moderator: Susannah L. Rose, PHD,MS,MSSW (she/her/hers) – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Presenter: Colin Walsh, MD, MA, FACMI, FAMIA, FIAHSI – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Presenter: Laurie Novak, PhD, MHSA, FAMIA – Vanderbilt University Medical Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    The Doctor Will Hear You Now? Leveraging the potential of digital voice biomarkers
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Hortense Gallois, MA ((she/her/hers)) – Simon Fraser University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Updating Public Health Models: Information Environment as Social Determinant of Health
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Amitabha Palmer, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Data and the Public
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Callie Terris, JD,MS – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MA, HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – University of Michigan
    Presenter: Marie-Françoise A. Malo, MA – Simon Fraser University, Faculty of Health Science
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Off the Record: Ensuring Privacy Protections in Free and Charitable Health Clinics
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Callie Terris, JD,MS – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    The Ethics of Patient and Public Engagement in Drug Development, Approval, and Access
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Matthew McCoy, PHD – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Meghan Halley, PhD, MPH – Stanford School of Medicine
    Presenter: Holly Fernandez Lynch, JD, MBE ((she/her/hers)) – University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Emily A. Largent, JD, PhD, RN ((she/her/hers)) – University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Pain Care and Opioids
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Christina M. Audeh, BA – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Mark C. Navin, PHD, HEC-C – Oakland University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Bringing an Organizational Ethics Lens to Perioperative Pain Care: Insights from a Recent Pragmatic Trial
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Christina M. Audeh, BA – Mayo Clinic
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    From Naloxone to Nalmefene? Ethical Implications for Opioid Overdose Treatment
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Mark C. Navin, PHD, HEC-C – Oakland University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Responding to Discriminatory Requests/Refusals from Patients: Healthcare Providers’ Experiences and Institutional Recommendations for Policy
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Claudia Barned, PhD (she/her/hers) – University Health Network (UHN)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    What makes a Clinical Decision Support tool fair?
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Moderator: William F. Parker, MD,PHD – University of Chicago
    Presenter: Monica Peek, MD, MS, MPH – University of Chicago
    Presenter: Valerie G. Koch, JD – Health Law & Policy Institute, The University of Houston Law Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Legal Update 2024: Top 10 Legal Developments in Bioethics and Public Health
    Location: Grand Ballroom D-F (First Floor)
    Moderator: Arthur R. Derse, MD, JD – Medical College of Wisconsin
    Presenter: Paul A. Lombardo, JD, PhD – Georgia State University College of Law
    Presenter: Valerie Gutmann Koch, JD – University of Houston Law Center
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Mapping Approaches to Ethicist Engagement: The VIPER Framework
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Blake Hereth, PHD (they/them/theirs) – Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Trustworthiness in Dentistry: Results from an Ethics Scoping Review
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Lori Rainchuso, DHSc, RDH – MCPHS University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Organizational Ethics and the Public Good
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Casey Chmura, MD – Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
    Presenter: Tristan McIntosh, PHD – Washington Univ School of Med In St Louis
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Individual Liberty and Opting Out of Mosquito Control
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Casey Chmura, MD – Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Protecting the public from egregious wrongdoing by physicians: Results from a policy implementation workshop with state medical boards
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Tristan McIntosh, PHD – Washington Univ School of Med In St Louis
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    VSED as a path to MAiD: Stepping stone or quicksand?
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Paul T. Menzel, PhD, MDiv (he/him/his) – Pacific Lutheran University
    Presenter: Kevin Dirksen, MDiv, MSc, HEC-C (he/him/his) – Providence Center for Health Care Ethics
    Presenter: Lisa Brodoff, JD – Seattle University
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Watching the Watchers: How State Healthcare Disciplinary Boards Dehumanize Heathcare Workers
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Law, Public Health Policy, Organizational Ethics