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  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Bridging Knowledge and Language
    Location: Midway 10 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Annika Nilsson, M.A., Ph.D.(c) – Washington University In St. Louis
    Presenter: Brian D. Leland, MD, FAAP – Indiana University School of Medicine
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    An Empirical Perspective on Epistemic Environments as a Justice Issue for Chronic Disease Patients
    Location: Midway 10 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Annika Nilsson, M.A., Ph.D.(c) – Washington University In St. Louis
    Health Humanities
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Health Humanities
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Aasim I. Padela, MD, MSc, FACEP – Medical College of Wisconsin
    Presenter: Jeremy Snyder, PhD – Simon Fraser University
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Addressing ‘Big’ Questions About the Human Being: Empirical and Philosophical Findings from an Islam & Bioscience Educational Intervention for Premedical Students
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Aasim I. Padela, MD, MSc, FACEP – Medical College of Wisconsin
    Health Humanities
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    How Psychedelics Challenge Core Assumptions about Medicine, Ethics, and Humanity
    Location: Grand Ballroom D-F (First Floor)
    Moderator: Amy L. McGuire, JD,PHD ((she/her/hers)) – Baylor College of Medicine Center For Medical Ethics
    Presenter: Logan Neitzke-Spruill, PhD – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Dominic Sisti, PhD – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Lori Bruce, D.Bioethics, HEC-C – Yale University
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    The Ethics of Health-Related Philanthrotainment
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jeremy Snyder, PhD – Simon Fraser University
    Health Humanities
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Cyborg Healthcare in Chi Ta-wei’s ‘The Membranes’: The Queer and Disabled Patient Perspective
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Health Humanities
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Disembodied/Reembodied: Reimagining Images of Reproduction
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Jaime Konerman-Sease, PHD,HEC-C – University of Minnesota
    Presenter: Lois Hendrickson, n/a – University of Minnesota
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Habits of the Heart: Advancing Racial Equity in a Community Health Coalition
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Lena Hatchett, PhD (she/her/hers) – Loyola University Chicago
    Health Humanities
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Health Humanities: AI
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kate Luo, BA
    Presenter: Erik Larsen, PHD ((he/him/his)) – University of Rochester
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Contextualizing Unconsented Human Remains
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Amanda M. Buster (she/her/hers) – Yale University
    Health Humanities
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Narrating the Posthuman: Science Fiction and the Ethics of "Artificial" Narrators
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Erik Larsen, PHD ((he/him/his)) – University of Rochester
    Health Humanities
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Reading Between the Lines: Using Alice Munro's Fiction to Explore Physician-Assisted Suicide with Medical Students
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kate Luo, BA
    Health Humanities
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    The Bioethics of Horror and the Horror of Bioethics
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Catherine Belling, PhD – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
    Presenter: Tod Chambers, PhD – Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
    Presenter: Stephanie Larson, PHD, HEC-C – Case Western Reserve University
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Health Humanities: Death and Dying
    Location: Midway 3-4 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Cara Ferguson, BSE – University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor
    Presenter: Ashley Yukihiro, MA (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Do No Harm? Medical Students’ Moral Distress Witnessing Patients’ Pain and Suffering
    Location: Midway 3-4 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Cara Ferguson, BSE – University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor
    Health Humanities
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Who Says I'm Dead? Understanding Social Death and its Intersection with Bioethics
    Location: Midway 3-4 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ashley Yukihiro, MA (she/her/hers) – Saint Louis University
    Health Humanities
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Between Humanity and AI: What is memory? How do we connect?
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ashley Hope, MD – University of California, Irvine
    Presenter: Juliet McMullin, PhD – University of California, Irvine
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Moral Resilience and Moral Injury of Nurse Leaders during Crisis Situations: A Qualitative Descriptive Analysis
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Alanna Bergman, PhD, AGNP-BC, RN (she/her/hers) – Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
    Health Humanities
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    What would I like to say to those I am leaving behind?: A performance and dialogue about the mental health and healthcare implications of ethical will creation
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Hollen N. Reischer, PhD – University At Buffalo
    Presenter: Kristen M. Johnson, BA – Northwestern University
    Health Humanities
     CE Hours: 1