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  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Equity Issues in Genetics
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Cassie Houtz, PHD – University of Pennsylvania
    Presenter: Aaron Goldenberg, PHD,MPH ((he/him/his)) – Case Western Reserve University
    Presenter: Vishnu Subrahmanyam, MS (he/they) – University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Inequity at the Beginning and End of Life
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Alexandra A. Taylor, BS – Georgetown University School of Medicine
    Presenter: Marcie Lambrix, MA. HEC-C – Case Western Reserve University
    Presenter: Rosario Isasi, JD,MPH – Hussman Institute for Human Genomics
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Anticipatory Fatness: The Genetics of Obesity & the Individualization of Risk
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Cassie Houtz, PHD – University of Pennsylvania
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Barriers Behind Bars: A Duty Towards a Dignified Death
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    How Can We Expand the Canon of Reproductive Bioethics to be Inclusive of Reproductive Justice?
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Daphne O. Martschenko, PhD – Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
    Presenter: Jennifer James, PhD, MS, MSW – University of California San Francisco
    Presenter: Faith Fletcher, PhD, MA (she/her/hers) – Baylor College of Medicine
    Presenter: Shameka Thomas, PhD – The Ohio State University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    How the Other Half Dies: Health Disparities and Patient Perceptions of Clinician Bias in End-of-Life Care Recommendations
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Alexandra A. Taylor, BS – Georgetown University School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Mitigating Healthcare Inequities thru Targeted Community Engagement: A Clinical Ethics Team Approach to Improving LGBTQ+ Advance Care Planning
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Marcie Lambrix, MA. HEC-C – Case Western Reserve University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Re-envisioning Translational Ethics and Equity in Pediatric Gene Therapy
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Aaron Goldenberg, PHD,MPH ((he/him/his)) – Case Western Reserve University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    9:15 AM – 10:15 AM CT
    Reparative Beneficence: A Queer and Crip Case Against Genetically Determining “The Best Life”
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Vishnu Subrahmanyam, MS (he/they) – University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Addressing Race as a Category in Medicine
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kirk A. Johnson, DMH (he/him/his) – Montclair State University
    Presenter: Emily Peugh, BS (she/her/hers) – National Institutes of Health
    Presenter: Julia Skibniewska, BS – University of Michigan Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Practices for Engaging Vulnerable and Underserved Populations
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Meredith G. James (she/her/hers) – Viterbo University
    Presenter: Xiang Yu, PhD – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Band-Aids and Bridges: Ethics, Risk, and Serving our Most Vulnerable
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Meredith G. James (she/her/hers) – Viterbo University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Eugenic Consequences: Evaluating Black Hardiness' Influence on the Black Patient
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kirk A. Johnson, DMH (he/him/his) – Montclair State University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Hospice Admission and Decision-Making for Unrepresented Patients
    Location: Midway 3-4 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Timothy W. Kirk, PHD (he/him/his) – CUNY York College
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Inclusion: Ethics and Community Based Participatory Research
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Holly K. Tabor, PhD – Stanford
    Presenter: Kara Ayers, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
    Presenter: Alex Szawranskyj, n/a – Stanford
    Presenter: Justin Steinberg, MA (he/him/his) – Stanford
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Questioning the Use of Ancestry Labels in Clinical Genomics
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Emily Peugh, BS (she/her/hers) – National Institutes of Health
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CT
    Self-reported Race as a Criterion of Anti-Thymocyte Globulin induction
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Julia Skibniewska, BS – University of Michigan Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Centering the Perspectives Of Marginalized Patient Groups
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Diana Mendoza-Cervantes, MBE, MD (she/her/hers) – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
    Presenter: Alice E. Kelley, n/a – University of Michigan
    Presenter: Emilee I. Coulter-Thompson, DrPH, LMSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Gender-affirming Care
    Location: Midway 10 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Ranana L. Dine, PhD Candidate (she/her/hers) – University of Chicago
    Presenter: Mallory R. Wietrzykowski, MA (she/her/hers) – St Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    A Primer on Epistemic Injustice and Patients with Non-English Language Preference
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Samantha A. Chipman, BA, MA (she/her/hers) – Emory University
    Moderator: Karen Meagher, PhD (she/her/hers) – Mayo Clinic
    Presenter: Ryan M. Felder, PhD ((he/him/his)) – Stanford University School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    A Unique Time in Neurology’s History: Recognizing Intellectual and Developmental Disorders as Health Disparities
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Diana Mendoza-Cervantes, MBE, MD (she/her/hers) – University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Contextualizing expressions of dissent: highlighting the importance of trauma-informed restraints policy development
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Alice E. Kelley, n/a – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    ‘I Know What I Feel:’ Caring for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease in a Post-Cure World
    Location: Midway 5 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Shameka Thomas, PhD – The Ohio State University
    Presenter: Consuela Albright, APRN – Cleveland Clinic
    Presenter: Kristin Walters, BSN RN CPN (she/her/hers) – Cleveland Clinic
    Moderator: Jada Wiggleton-Little, PhD (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    LGBTQ+ Parents' Experiences Accessing Health Care for their Children with Developmental Disabilities
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Emilee I. Coulter-Thompson, DrPH, LMSW (she/her/hers) – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    Too Much Testosterone: Why Differences in Bodily Testosterone Levels are Insufficient to Fairly Exclude Trans Women and Girl Athletes from Competition with their Gender
    Location: Midway 10 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Mallory R. Wietrzykowski, MA (she/her/hers) – St Louis University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Diverse Identities
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kelly Haviland, PhD, MSN, FNP-BC, TGNB-C – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    Presenter: Christina L. Halstead, BS – University of Virginia School of Medicine
    Presenter: Amanda Roth, PhD (she/her/hers) – SUNY Geneseo
    Presenter: Marion Russell, OTR – Creighton University
    Presenter: Briana E. Lopez-Patino, BA – The Hastings Center
    Presenter: Laura Stamm, PHD (she/they) – University of Rochester Medical Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    LGBTQ+ Healthcare
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, PHD,HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Cleveland Clinic
    Presenter: Abram Brummett, PhD – Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Autonomy, Disability, and Cervical Cancer Screenings
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jennifer C. Tillman, PHD ((she/her/hers)) – University of San Diego
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Beyond Boundaries: Navigating MAiD in LGBTQI+ Oncology Patients - Ethical Considerations and Humanistic Perspectives
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kelly Haviland, PhD, MSN, FNP-BC, TGNB-C – Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Improving Inclusive Practices for LGBTQ+ Populations
    Location: Midway 11 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, PHD,HEC-C (she/her/hers) – Cleveland Clinic
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Intersectional approach to gender, Islam, and bioethics
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Moderator: Lida Sarafrazarpatapeh, PhD (she/her/hers) – University of Texas San Antonio
    Presenter: Shadi Heidarifar, PhD candidate – University of Florida
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Made With Love & Science: Queer Reproductive and Family Ethics
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Amanda Roth, PhD (she/her/hers) – SUNY Geneseo
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Objective Assessment and Disease Models of Chronic Pain: Ethical Considerations for Stigma
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Moderator: Daniel Buchman, PhD, MSW (he/him/his) – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and University of Toronto
    Presenter: Daniel S. Goldberg, JD, PhD – University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
    Presenter: Anita Ho, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – CommonSpirit Health, UCSF, UBC
    Presenter: Jada Wiggleton-Little, PhD (she/her/hers) – The Ohio State University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    Re-Claiming Autonomy: Identity, Narrative and Chronic Illness
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Marion Russell, OTR – Creighton University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Thursday, Sep 19th
    4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    The Influence of the Universal Patient: Performativity in Healthcare
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Briana E. Lopez-Patino, BA – The Hastings Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Ethics and Equity for Reproductive Health
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Lynette Lartey, MPH, MCHES – Children's Mercy Kansas City
    Presenter: Laura Kimberly, PhD, MSW, MBE – Hansjorg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Presenter: Sophie Schott, BA – McGovern Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Abolition as an Approach to Bioethics: Uncovering the Medical Industrial Complex
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Nicolle Strand, JD, MBE, MPH (she/they) – Temple University
    Presenter: Jennifer James, PhD, MS, MSW – University of California San Francisco
    Presenter: Whitney Cabey, MD, MSHP, MAUB ((she/her/hers)) – Temple University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Enhancing the Reproductive Justice Framework to Improve Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes through Reproductive Health Promotion: Global Lessons from an Ethiopian Case
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Lynette Lartey, MPH, MCHES – Children's Mercy Kansas City
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Ethical Considerations in Expanding Eligibility Criteria for Uterus Transplant Recipients: A Scoping Review
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Laura Kimberly, PhD, MSW, MBE – Hansjorg Wyss Department of Plastic Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Reproducing Inequity: Artificial Womb Technologies and Environmental Health Threats
    Location: Midway 6 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Sophie Schott, BA – McGovern Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Breaking Barriers to Belonging: A Disability Justice Framework to Using Zines as Tools To Facilitate Community in Isolation and Zine-Making As A Therapeutic Practice.
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Jess Walters, BA (they/them/theirs) – University of Virginia
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Islamic Ethico-Legal Imperatives on Vaccination: An Analysis of Fatawa on Preventive Medicine
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Bilal Irfan, B.S. – University of Michigan, Harvard Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Who is talking and what are they saying? Ethical considerations when interpreting for others in healthcare
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Ana Iltis, PhD – Wake Forest University
    Presenter: Kirstin RW Matthews, PhD (she/her/hers) – Rice University
    Presenter: Gianna McMillan, DBE, MFA – Loyola University Chicago
    Presenter: Shan Wang (she/her/hers) – Washington University in St. Louis
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Assessing Equitable Practices for Addressing Health Disparities and Inequities
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Carole A. Federico, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Stanford University
    Presenter: Tiffany Bystra, MS OTR, CHSE – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Alexander M. McClanahan, MD, MHA – Medical University of South Carolina
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    A Characterization of Synthetic Data Products for AI: Transparency and Ethical Values
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Carole A. Federico, PhD ((she/her/hers)) – Stanford University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Autism, Neurodiversity, and Inclusion: Striving for Greater Social Justice through Narrative and Supported Engagement
    Location: Grand Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Moderator: Nanette Elster, JD, MPH, FACD (she/her/hers) – Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
    Presenter: Samantha A. Chipman, BA, MA (she/her/hers) – Emory University
    Presenter: Kenneth A. Richman, PHD – Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
    Presenter: Kayhan Parsi, JD, PhD, HEC-C (he/him/his) – Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Fitting a Square Peg into a Round Hole: Ethical Concerns Regarding Standardized Cognitive Assessments in Healthcare
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Tiffany Bystra, MS OTR, CHSE – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Racial Disparities in Involuntary Psychiatric Admissions: Ensuring Justice in the Balance between Patient Autonomy and Safety
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Alexander M. McClanahan, MD, MHA – Medical University of South Carolina
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Friday, Sep 20th
    3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CT
    Safeguarding or Gatekeeping? Historical, legal, and clinical perspectives on mandatory ethics involvement in gender-affirming care
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Moderator: Theodore Schall, PHD, MBE, MSW (he/him/his) – University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Presenter: Jacob D. Moses, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Lauren Sankary, JD, MA, HEC-C – Cleveland Clinic
    Presenter: Justin Penny, DO, MA, HEC-C (he/him/his) – University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Envisioning Equitable Healthcare for Marginalized Communities
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Nivan Wadhawan, B.A. – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Manu S. Sundaresan, BS, BA – University of Chicago
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Racial Bias and Fairness in Healthcare Algorithms
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kadija Ferryman
    Presenter: Abdoul Jalil Djiberou Mahamadou (he/him/his) – Stanford University
    Presenter: Stephanie M. Fullerton, DPhil (she/her/hers) – University of Washington School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Bioethics During Wartime
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Emily E. Anderson, PhD, MPH (she/her/hers) – Loyola University
    Moderator: Donal O'Mathuna, B.Sc.(Pharm), MA, PhD – The Ohio State University
    Presenter: elizabeth Dotsenko, MD – Ukrainian Catholic University Clinic
    Presenter: Abdul Rahman Fares, PhD – Georg-August Universitat Gottingen (University of Gottingen)
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    De-Implementing Race-based Algorithms: Factors Influencing the Transition to Race-neutral Interpretations of Pulmonary Function
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kadija Ferryman
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Enacting “bounded justice” through HIV integrated planning in the United States
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Nivan Wadhawan, B.A. – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    Rethinking Technical Algorithmic Fairness
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Abdoul Jalil Djiberou Mahamadou (he/him/his) – Stanford University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    The Materialized Oppression of Precision Medicine
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Stephanie M. Fullerton, DPhil (she/her/hers) – University of Washington School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    8:45 AM – 9:45 AM CT
    TRANSforming Autonomy: Transgender Healthcare and the Politics of Choice Under Oppression
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Theodore Schall, PHD, MBE, MSW (he/him/his) – University of Massachusetts Amherst
    Presenter: Rebecca Sanaeikia, MA ((she/her/hers)) – University of Rochestor
    Presenter: Elizabeth Dietz, PhD (they/them/theirs) – National Institutes of Health
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Trust and Identity in Medicine
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Liza-Marie Johnson, MD, MPH, MSB, HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
    Presenter: Dharshini Suresh, MBA – Albany Medical School
    Presenter: Clare Whitney, PHD, MBE, RN – Stony Brook University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Attitudes Toward Medical Research Among Adolescent Patients and Parents of Children with Sickle Cell Disease: It’s All About Trust and Human Relationships
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Liza-Marie Johnson, MD, MPH, MSB, HEC-C ((she/her/hers)) – St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Disability and Human Flourishing: Re-imagining the Role of Bioethics in Promoting a High Quality of Life with Chronic Health Conditions
    Location: Regency Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Moderator: Kevin T. Mintz, PhD ((he/him/his)) – Stanford University
    Presenter: Jaime Konerman-Sease, PHD,HEC-C – University of Minnesota
    Presenter: Joseph Stramondo, PhD – San Diego State University
    Presenter: Liz Bowen, PhD (she/her/hers) – SUNY Upstate Medical University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Ethical Moments and Professional Identity Formation in the Context of Cross-Cultural Identities
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Dharshini Suresh, MBA – Albany Medical School
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    Remaking Bioethics Together
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Moderator: Stephen Molldrem, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Texas Medical Branch
    Presenter: Jonathan D. Shaffer, PhD ((he/him/his)) – University of Vermont
    Presenter: Zackary Berger, MD, PhD, FACP ((he/him/his)) – Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
    Presenter: Krishna A. Chokshi, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Mount Sinai
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    10:15 AM – 11:15 AM CT
    “You haven’t studied for this”: How individuals navigate moral and ethical challenges in their role as cancer care partners
    Location: Grand Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Presenter: Clare Whitney, PHD, MBE, RN – Stony Brook University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Equity and Engagement Through Innovative Research Frameworks: Results from human genomic studies
    Location: Midway 9 (First Floor)
    Moderator: Shawneequa Callier, JD, MA – The George Washington University School of Medicine
    Presenter: Caitlin E. McMahon, PhD – Columbia University
    Presenter: Maya Sabatello, LLB, PhD (she/her/hers) – Columbia University
    Presenter: Jenny Reardon, PhD – University of California of Santa Cruz
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Ethics Considerations in Designing a Research Protocol with and for Women Experiencing Homelessness and Women Who Are Incarcerated
    Location: Regency Ballroom B (First Floor)
    Presenter: Kirsten Dickins, PHD – Rush University Medical Center
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    11:30 AM – 12:30 PM CT
    Humanizing Healthcare: Integrating Compassionate Practices for Refugee Well-being
    Location: Grand Ballroom A (First Floor)
    Presenter: Eva Regel, DBE, MS (she/her/hers) – Department of Medical Humanities and Bioethics, University of Arkansas.
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    12:45 PM – 1:45 PM CT
    Narrative Medicine as Disability Justice: Using Semi-Structured Interviews to Illuminate the Stories of Healthcare Professionals with Disability and Chronic Illness
    Location: Regency Ballroom C (First Floor)
    Moderator: Ben Martin, MD – University of Virginia
    Presenter: Farah Contractor, BA, medical student – University of Virginia
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Approaches for Supporting Health Equity
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Maria A. Basile, MD (she/her/hers) – Renaissance School of Medicine At Stony Brook
    Presenter: Rachel Conrad Bracken, PHD (she/her/hers) – Northeast Ohio Medical University
    Presenter: Rachel Brownson, MDiv, BCC, HEC-C – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Frameworks for Supporting Just Systems of Care
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Zamina Mithani, MD, MBE – University of British Columbia School of Medicine
    Presenter: Susan Lee
    Presenter: Beatrice Lechner, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Women & Infants Hospital/Brown Univ
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    ADVANCING HEALTH EQUITY: A Guide to Language, Narrative and Concepts – Practical Applications at an Academic Medical Center
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Maria A. Basile, MD (she/her/hers) – Renaissance School of Medicine At Stony Brook
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Do No Harm: Adopting a Community-Engaged Approach to Medical Education to Combat Ableism, Stigma, and the Dehumanization of People with Disabilities
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Rachel Conrad Bracken, PHD (she/her/hers) – Northeast Ohio Medical University
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Hospital Policy Variation in Decisions to Withhold or Withdraw Life-Sustaining Treatment
    Location: Grand Ballroom D-F (First Floor)
    Moderator: Gina Piscitello, MD, MS, HEC-C – University of Pittsburgh
    Presenter: Patrick G. Lyons, MD MSc – Oregon Health and Science University
    Presenter: Valerie G. Koch, JD – Health Law & Policy Institute, The University of Houston Law Center
    Presenter: Michael T. Huber, MD MS – University of Miami
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
     CE Hours: 1
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Integrating Social Justice into Bioethics: Insights from a US-Canadian Survey of Bioethicists
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Zamina Mithani, MD, MBE – University of British Columbia School of Medicine
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Putting Epistemic Justice into Practice: The Case of the Knowledge Encounter
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Susan Lee
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    Shared Goals, Different Approaches: Lessons Learned from Collaboration between an Ethics Consultation Service and a Novel Healthcare Equity Consultation Service
    Location: New York/Illinois Central (Second Floor)
    Presenter: Rachel Brownson, MDiv, BCC, HEC-C – University of Michigan
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion
  • Saturday, Sep 21st
    2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CT
    The Ladder of Inference as a Tool to Reduce Implicit Bias in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Clinical Practice
    Location: Midway 7-8 (First Floor)
    Presenter: Beatrice Lechner, MD ((she/her/hers)) – Women & Infants Hospital/Brown Univ
    Diversity, Disparity, and Inclusion