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ASBH 26th Annual Conference

Program Theme and Description

What Does It Mean to be Human?

As we watch the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence technology, we are confronted with increasingly complex moral dilemmas happening at home and abroad. Reflecting on these moral and technological revolutions forces us to reconsider what it means to be human on an individual and societal level. How can technology supplement human instinct or offer a new perspective? How do we compassionately acknowledge the humanity of healthcare staff and patients? What role should the human condition play within the greater environment? The 2024 ASBH Annual Conference invites the community to reconsider long-held notions and think critically about the nature of humanity within our shifting landscape as it addresses the central question: What does it mean to be human?

Schedule at a Glance

  • Wednesday, September 18: Preconference Workshops
  • Thursday, September 19: Opening Plenary Session, President's Welcome, Opening Luncheon, Concurrent Sessions, and Affinity Group Meetings
  • Friday, September 20: Plenary Session, Concurrent Sessions, Members’ Meeting, Affinity Group Meetings, and Newcomers’ Social
  • Saturday, September 21: Closing Plenary Session, Concurrent Sessions, and Affinity Group Meetings

Who Should Attend

The American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Annual Conference is designed for physicians, nurses, attorneys, historians, philosophers, professors of literature and the humanities, members of the clergy, hospital chaplains, social workers, and others engaged in endeavors related to clinical and academic bioethics and the health-related humanities.

Productive Engagement

ASBH supports an environment of productive engagement, where the free expression of diverse points of view occurs in an atmosphere of scholarly exchange and mutual respect. Conference attendees, participants, and vendors are expected to observe commonsense norms for public behavior, personal interaction, and common courtesy. Abusive, harassing, or threatening behavior is not acceptable.


Respect common sense norms for public behavior, personal interaction, and common courtesy. Abusive, harassing, or threatening behavior is not acceptable.

Real Conversation

ASBH encourages an environment of free expression, diverse points of view, scholarly exchange, and mutual respect.

Health, Safety, and Productive Engagement Consent 

By registering for this meeting, you agree to adhere to all health and safety protocols put in place by ASBH for the 26th Annual Conference and agree to abide by the ASBH Productive Engagement Statement while attending and participating in the 26th Annual Conference. 

2024 Program Committee

Shilpa Shashidhara, PhD, Chair
Sutter Health

Kimbell Kornu, MD PhD HEC-C
Belmont University

Nicole Martinez-Martin, JD PhD 
Stanford University

Valerie Satkoske, PhD MSW HEC-C
UPMC Health System

Andrew Shuman, MD HEC-C, Chair
University of Michigan

Elise Smith, PhD
University of Texas Medical Branch

Board Liaisons
Toby Schonfeld, PhD
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 

Patrick Smith, PhD
Duke University

Full Schedule